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Hard Is Not the Same Thing as Bad

"Hard Is Not the Same Thing as Bad" - Abbie Halberstadt

As I sat listening to Abbie's talk at The Wellness Collective Event , her words were balm on my weary soul. I was both refreshed and convicted at the same time. Had I been looking at the hard things in my life with a victim mentality? Had I adopted the attitude that I deserve an easy life, and when hard things come my way, I view them as bad? I was challenged to change my outlook on the hard things of life, and shift my focus to an attitude of gratitude...

To say the past few days were high stress, feels like an understatement. 

I had been asked to set up a coffee stand at the Wellness Collective and so for the past four weeks or so, it felt like every spare minute of my time was spent prepping and getting ready. I still had a handful of things to finish with just a few days left, when a funeral came up in Colorado that Nolan and I both strongly felt we needed to attend to show our support. However, it would not work out for all of us to go, so since I knew the family best, we decided it would be me flying out.

My stress levels were rising because there was no way I could get back in time for the first day of the event, but eventually I surrendered and decided if going means giving up this event and all the hard work put into it, so be it. Caring for those we love is more important then 'earthly things'.

The coffee display needed Nolan's help, and there was almost no way we could get it set up if I was away. However, God opened doors!

The idea came to me to track down the owner of the barn (as their office was closed on Saturday) and ask if he could possibly make an exception to let us in on Saturday to set up. I found his cell phone number and he answered! He was so kind, calling his staff and then getting back to me and saying that if we didn't mind setting up late that night, we could come in after a wedding that was being held there, was over.

So Nolan and I scrambled to finish all the last minute things, borrowed my brother's trailer, drove an hour to the barn, got the display set up, then arrived home a little past midnight. Only then did I have the where with all to purchase my ticket for the next day.

Sunday morning I packed and was on the road by early afternoon. Traveling went well. I slept in Denver and the following morning was ready to tackle the four hour drive when Nolan called.

Xander was not doing well. He had been showing signs of a cold when I left and now he was struggling to breathe. A rock settled in my stomach, and I felt so helpless being across the continent from my children.

I spent a lot of that drive calling and messaging friends and family to get remedies and help for Xander. However, no sooner had I reached my destination when I got the call that Xander was being ambulanced to the hospital. The beauty of the yellow aspens that surrounded me lost their luster as I sat in my car and cried, feeling helpless and so far away from my child.

I was worrying for Lexi (as she is not used to being baby sat by others) I was extremely worried about Xander, and never had I felt so far away.

Xander was diagnosed with covid (possibly asthma with it) and while his Oxygen levels were fine, the doctor said his breathing was on the scale of severe. It took quite a few treatments to get his breathing to improve. But I was able to relax once I knew he was in good hands and improving.

I got my flight bumped up a few hours, and that night after the memories ceremony, I drove the four hours back to Denver, got about 3 hours of fitful sleep, then headed to the airport for my flight home. Arriving home around 4 in the afternoon, I picked up Lexi and we headed to Harrisburg to pick up Nolan and Xander. They had spend the night and day in the hospital and were getting discharged that evening.I hugged my little boy so tight, beyond grateful that he was ok!

Despite being completely exhausted from what felt like nonstop travel Sunday afternoon to Tuesday evening, I still wanted to go to the Wellness Collective for the last day... and as I sat listening to Abby Halberstat, her words were exactly what I needed to hear. I was both refreshed and convicted. Refreshed because I felt so heard as a mother... and convicted for allowing myself to have the victim mindset too often when hard things come my way.

I ordered her latest book, "Hard is Not the Same thing as Bad", and I can't wait to read it!

So there you have a peek into my very busy and eventful week! And because of such, I didn't get my video finished for this week either.

God bless you all, and if you also wish to read her book, here is a link to check it out! She has so much wisdom and it truly is something we as mother's need to hear.

2 תגובות

22 באוק׳ 2023

Poor Xander. He must’ve been so scared. I can’t imagine the stress you were feeling. Thank you God that he was doing better. I know we’re told to leave things in God’s hands but it’s tough.


21 באוק׳ 2023

A weekend like none other for sure! 😪 So sorry to hear this, but glad if your family is ok now. The aspens are stunning!


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